Sunday, October 19, 2008

Waking up

I woke this morning like every morning, wide awake and ready to take on the world. I love rising with the sun. I love waking up with the world. This morning was like every other one... or so I thought at first. What made this glorious morning different? Was it the crisp cool clean air, the quiet, the breath taking colors of the sky, the over all beauty of fall? This venerable morning, so lovely,so serene, so unraveled by the fierce unwholesome surroundings made by man! I can't help but smile when I swing out of bed. I always feel so energized. The things of this world are not yet brought to light in the early morning. Peace is still attainable at dawn. The world perceived at this moment in time I can't explain.
Yet, what was it? I still couldn't put my finger on it. But there was something different. I was filled with great surprise and wonder. The bewilderment vanished and it became crystal clear! What made this so clear? What could have made it come to light? It was... My stupid alarm clock! Yes, this was but a dream. I never wake up ready for the day. I wake up groggy and annoyed that I'm awake. So in reality this morning was indeed like every other,because I woke up.


Marylou said...
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Marylou said...

Oh how funny as I read this I was thinking "When did this new Kristi emerge on the scene?" LOL Good writing you would have had me believing you actually wake up with these thoughts... if only I had not known how you wake up most ervery morning for the past 23 years.... Wouldn't it be great if we could actually feel that way when we wake, sorta like your gramma?
(I had to delete the other comment cause of gross miss typings, You cannot edit comments, only delete once they are published...)

Nicole said...

LOL. I was in this serene place in my mind as I was reading your blog. I was reminded of this quote out of A Sacred Romance that speaks of God whispering to your heart and only being able to hear it in the late hours of the night or wee hours of the morning when all is still...and then you jolted my mind into a harsh reality full of alarm clocks and CRYING BABIES....