Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Just breath"...

Why is this happening to me? I asked, but got no answer. This feeling taking over my every move. Trying to inhale but not able to get any air. I felt like a prisoner, and the cold hard reality was... I was suffocating. "Just breath" I told myself over and over again. But with every breath I took the reality that it won't just ago away became clear. What can I do? What should I do? All these questions were getting me nowhere. Yet there must be something. As I struggled to get my breath, to fill my lungs with air. I realized what must take place, it might be the only thing that would save my life... I must blow my nose and take some cold medicine. Yes I have a cold and don't feel very good today:(


Marylou said...

I am sorry I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Marylou said...

Did you delete a posting entitled "memories in a Box"? I could have sworn there was one and that I even responded to it... Am I getting too old?